Bach Bibliography
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Author : Strohm, Reinhard
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Strohm, ReinhardBalzan project and Bach. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2015
2. Strohm, ReinhardDie Epochenkrise der deutschen Opernpflege. [cr]Duisburg1986 1988 155-166
3. Strohm, ReinhardDie Oper in Bachs Umfeld - zu Johann Adolf Hasses 'Cleofide' und ihrer Vorgeschichte. Bachfest 61 [Duisburg] 1986 215-222
4. Strohm, ReinhardEarly Music as History. [cr]Krakow2008 2008 8-20
5. Strohm, ReinhardEighteenth-Century Music as a Socio-Political Metaphor? HarvardPubM 22 2008 279-296
6. Strohm, ReinhardJohann Adolph Hasses Oper 'Cleofide' und ihre Vorgeschichte. [cr]Duisburg1986 1988 170-176
7. Strohm, ReinhardKomponisten, Werkinterpretation, Geschichte. DortmundBachF 9 2009 9-27
8. Strohm, ReinhardMetaphor and transcendence: the 'other meanings' of the B Minor Mass. [p]BICB_Warsaw Jul 2006
9. Strohm, ReinhardMichael Weisse transmitting Medieval Songs to Bach. [p]BNUK_Edinburgh Aug 2011
10. Strohm, ReinhardMichael Weisse transmitting Medieval Songs to Bach. UnderstandingBach 6 2011 56-60
11. Strohm, ReinhardTransgression, Transcendence and Metaphor - the 'Other Meanings' of the B-Minor Mass. UnderstandingBach 1 2006 49-68
12. Strohm, ReinhardVortrag zum Anlass des Symposions: 'Komponist, Werkinterpretation, Geschichte'. [p]BS_Dortmund Jun 2006
13. Strohm, Reinhard; Butt, John; Dreyfus, Laurence; Tatlow, RuthBach Network UK -- latest report: New Directions in Bach Studies: Second J S Bach Dialogue Meeting [9-10 December 2006 in Oxford] BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [5]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita